Since November 2017, your support has helped God's Purpose Apparel provide hats and other items to St. John's Evangelist Homeless Shelter and other non-profit organizations. In 2020, in partnership with St. John's Homeless Shelter, we launched St. John's Apparel donating 100% of the profit to the organization. During 2020, we donated $2,330.56 to St. John's.
We Give Love, Apparel & Donate
In partnering with nonprofit organizations, we GLAD: Give Love, Apparel & Donate.
At God’s Purpose Apparel, we give Love (Romans 12:9-13) by serving within the organization. We give Apparel to families in need and Donate a portion of the profit from the sale of God's Purpose Apparel to nonprofit organizations.
Are you interested in being a volunteer for Alpha at St. John's Shelter? Please contact us at Here's a story about the program.
Direct link to the story: